Withdraw Funds from Escrow
Similar to adding funds to a chainlet via the Saga Web App, you can also withdraw your remaining funds from the chainlet.
At this time, you cannot partially defund a chainlet's escrow account. Currently, 100% of any remaining funds associated with your address will be refunded to you
To defund a chainlet, simply select the Defund
option and click Defund Chainlet
Follow the Keplr wallet prompts to approve the transaction, and the chainlet's escrow account refunds any remaining funds associated with your address.
You can see above that the chainlet's escrow balance has decreased from 320 PSAGA
to 270 PSAGA
and your address has been refunded any remaining balance associated with your address.
Note: See the Funders
list in the image above (bottom right). It no longer lists your address as a funder.
Last updated