Adding Keys


Before you can create chainlets, you will need to add a public/private keypair (aka key) to sagacli. You have the option to either create a new key, or import a key you have already created previously.

All of the keys are created using the secp256k1 elliptical curve and are securely held in a keyring managed by sagacli. However, you also have several different options to create your keys e.g. use a different algorithm than the default of secp256k1.

A full list of options with which to add keys can be viewed by the following command:

$ sagacli keys add --help
Derive a new private key and encrypt to disk.
Optionally specify a BIP39 mnemonic, a BIP39 passphrase to further secure the mnemonic,
and a bip32 HD path to derive a specific account. The key will be stored under the given name
and encrypted with the given password. The only input that is required is the encryption password.

If run with -i, it will prompt the user for BIP44 path, BIP39 mnemonic, and passphrase.
The flag --recover allows one to recover a key from a seed passphrase.
If run with --dry-run, a key would be generated (or recovered) but not stored to the
local keystore.
Use the --pubkey flag to add arbitrary public keys to the keystore for constructing
multisig transactions.

You can create and store a multisig key by passing the list of key names stored in a keyring
and the minimum number of signatures required through --multisig-threshold. The keys are
sorted by address, unless the flag --nosort is set.

    keys add mymultisig --multisig "keyname1,keyname2,keyname3" --multisig-threshold 2

  sagacli keys add <name> [flags]

      --account uint32           Account number for HD derivation (less than equal 2147483647)
      --coin-type uint32         coin type number for HD derivation (default 118)
      --dry-run                  Perform action, but don't add key to local keystore
      --hd-path string           Manual HD Path derivation (overrides BIP44 config)
  -h, --help                     help for add
      --index uint32             Address index number for HD derivation (less than equal 2147483647)
  -i, --interactive              Interactively prompt user for BIP39 passphrase and mnemonic
      --key-type string          Key signing algorithm to generate keys for (default "secp256k1")
      --ledger                   Store a local reference to a private key on a Ledger device
      --multisig strings         List of key names stored in keyring to construct a public legacy multisig key
      --multisig-threshold int   K out of N required signatures. For use in conjunction with --multisig (default 1)
      --no-backup                Don't print out seed phrase (if others are watching the terminal)
      --nosort                   Keys passed to --multisig are taken in the order they're supplied
      --pubkey string            Parse a public key in JSON format and saves key info to <name> file.
      --recover                  Provide seed phrase to recover existing key instead of creating

Global Flags:
      --controller string          controller grpc url (host:port) (default "")
      --from string                Name of private key used to sign (default "bogdan_local")
      --keyring-backend string     Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) (default "file")
  -l, --loglevel string            commands logging level (default "info")
      --network-rpc string         <host>:<port> to tendermint rpc interface for remote chain (default "")
  -o, --output string              output type <text|json> (default "text")
      --platform-chain-id string   The SPC network chain ID (default "spc-testnet-1")

Creating a New Key in sagacli

To create a new key using the default keyring and algorithm, simply type

sagacli keys add <keyname>

So, for instance, if you want to generate a new key and call it mykey1, then you will type

sagacli keys add mykey1

Keep in Mind: If this is your first time creating a key in sagacli, you will also be prompted for a password for the os keyring, that secures the keys using this password. Provide a strong password to secure the keyring.

This will generate the following output, and store the key in the default keyring, which is os.

- address: saga1tkax73wxs047nc8kaalhfc4ar6gay2sde28crx
  name: mykey1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A1YCpZPIzs6MXTiMAOnlEK6Cq8+JQMii9a4vUnyQ0qGs"}'
  type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

powder knee very truth side engine food brave distance profit pottery move labor machine apology fringe source fragile aim wedding timber since blouse brain

You will notice that the key mykey1 has been generated and allocated an address, which in this case is saga1tkax73wxs047nc8kaalhfc4ar6gay2sde28crx. Additionally, from the output above, we can see that this key was generated using the secp256k1 algorithm.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to copy the mnemonic phrase and save it to a safe place. As the output above indicates, should you forget your password, the only way to recover this key would be the mnemonic phrase.

To create a key in a different keyring (other than the default os keyring), you can specify the --keyring-backend flag.

For example, to create a key in the test keyring, type

sagacli keys add test3 --keyring-backend test

This will create a key in the test keyring.

- address: saga1yzm4fygqehgravje290pk8ddwr8lld0g7nsn87
  name: test3
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AvvszXyFvHfr2DEhLdf4lF2sQfp6fRDBXqQvxJV4hYFs"}'
  type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

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Please bear in mind that not all keyrings are secure. For more information about supported keyrings and their security features, please refer to Key Management Overview.

Import an Existing Key into sagacli

You may have keys that you already use that you want to use with sagacli. To do so, you will need to import your existing key into sagacli.

You will need to have access to the BIP39 mnemonic phrase associated with the key you are trying to import.

As long you have the mnemonic phrase, you can import an existing key by:

sagacli keys add <keyname> --recover

For example, if you want to import an existing key called test1 into sagacli, you would type

sagacli keys add test1 --recover

This will prompt you to enter the BIP39 mnemonic.

$ sagacli keys add test1 --recover
> Enter your bip39 mnemonic
friend account warrior undo biology elevator crime hole skull nuclear age beef census arena kind canvas prison visual popular love brush bicycle ecology task

The new key is generated and saved to the default keyring, and its address is echoed to the screen.

- address: saga1z0uscdcprxcun2mlnyrz5kelemmjw768sdrgz5
  name: test1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A+u4iLJZWZHHcRIEbme8ppbmk1jYTpZVio8anPqAIQ31"}'
  type: local

Configuring a Default Key in sagacli

You can configure a default key in sagacli which will then be used in all transactions and queries unless you override it by using the --address flag.

The default key can be configured using the following command:

sagacli config from <keyname>

For example, if we have a key called fundkey and we would like to set it as the default key, we would type

sagacli config from fundkey

Note: Ensure that the key being tagged as default actually exists in sagacli.

To view the default key, type

sagacli config from

This will display if a default key has been set. In this example using fundkey, we get

$ sagacli config from

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