Configuring Metamask Network

This page includes instructions on how to setup your chainlet network information in your Metamask wallet

The fastest way to configure your chainlet network settings into your metamask browser plugin is by visiting your chainlet's dedicated block explorer page and clicking on the Add <chainlet name> link present on the footer menus.

You can also see how this looks like in the image included below:

Configuring Metamask Network Manually

Navigate to go: Metamask -> Settings -> Networks -> Add Network

The settings screen will look something like this:

From here, click on "Add a network manually" and type in the following settings in the required fields:

  • Network Name: This will be your Chainlet name (in this example I'm using "abstract")

  • New RPC URL: This will be your chainlet's JSON-RPC endpoint, you can get this in -> search your chainlet -> chainlet details -> RPC Endpoint

  • Chain ID: Here you need to input the middle numerical part of the ChainID, (make sure to drop the '-1') Example: 2712762876035000

  • Currency Symbol: This is your Chainlet currency symbol. You can get this in in -> search your chainlet -> chainlet details -> on the right of the chainlet name (On the example before abstract -> ABSTR, ABSTR is the Currency Symbol)

  • Block Explorer URL: This will be your personal chainlet's block explorer url, you can get this in -> search your chainlet -> chainlet details -> Block Explorer

Taken together, the output will look SIMILAR with what you see in the following image below:

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