View Listing of Chainlets Launched

You can view a listing of all chainlets that have been launched by using the list command:

sagacli chainlet list

This command lists all of the chainlets launched by the account associated with the default key.

$ sagacli chainlet list
ChainId                       Name       StackName     StackVersion     Status     EscrowBalance
-------                       ----       ---------     ------------     ------     -------------
tetris_1681169675474000-1     tetris     SagaOS        0.5.17           Online     280psaga

To view chainlets launched by another address, you can use:

sagacli chainlet list --address <keyname or address>

View Listing Example

For example, to view chainlets launched by the address associated with key mykey1, we would use

$ sagacli chainlet list --address saga1tkax73wxs047nc8kaalhfc4ar6gay2sde28crx
ChainId                       Name       StackName     StackVersion     Status     EscrowBalance
-------                       ----       ---------     ------------     ------     -------------
pacman_1681169675474000-1     pacman     SagaOS        0.5.17           Online     280psaga 

In the above output, we can see that the address associated with the key mykey1 has not launched any chainlets.

Further Details

For more details on how to use the list command, refer to

sagacli chainlet list --help

Last updated