Display Key Details


To display details for a specific key, you can use the following command:

sagacli keys show <keyname or address>

For example, to list the details associated with the key named test1, you would type

$ sagacli keys show test1
- address: saga1z0uscdcprxcun2mlnyrz5kelemmjw768sdrgz5
  name: test1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A+u4iLJZWZHHcRIEbme8ppbmk1jYTpZVio8anPqAIQ31"}'
  type: local

Use the sagacli keys show <keyname> --bech <acc|val|cons> to see the account, validator operator and consensus components of the key.

Further Details

For a full list of options supported by the show command, type

sagacli keys show --help

Last updated