Update Chainlet Version

It may happen that you will need to update the chainlet stack version to include a security patch or a new feature or for any other reason. You can update a chainlet's version by using the chainlet update command.

Here is an example:

sagacli chainlet update <chain id> <version to upgrade to>

Available Versions

To view available versions for a chainlet type, simply use the sagacli chainlet list-types command:

$ sagacli chainlet list-types
DisplayName     Description                Creator                                        Version     SetupCost          EpochCost
-----------     -----------                -------                                        -------     ---------          ---------
SagaOS         SagaOS Chainlet Stack     saga17gk4chqd0lrkyamrxdmu62czmu0dpnemmxlymn      0.5.16      10000000upsaga     10000000upsaga/day
SagaOS         SagaOS Chainlet Stack     saga1u2a8ktctqhpx655ysw7ru27t6hqt9wlq4fn5ca      0.5.17      10000000upsaga     10000000upsaga/day

We can see that we have a newer version of the chainlet type sagaevm.

Update Example

To update to this newer version called "SagaEVM Chainlet Latest", we would use the following command:

$ sagacli chainlet update jargames_1679785243507504-1 1.1

You are about to sign and broadcast a transaction, with the following configurations:
* Keyname:                shan
* Keyring:                os
* Address:                saga1rdssl22ysxyendrkh2exw9zm7hvj8d2ju346g3
* Network RPC:            https://spc.sagarpc.io
* Platform chain id:      spc-1
* Ledger:                 false
* Message Detail:
Do you want to proceed? (y/N):
2023-03-25T19:48:00-05:00 INF tx broadcasted to the remote node code=0 gas_used=62507 gas_wanted=200000 hash=B20F1BDDDCA619869F385B58977F470179C7C92EC784EE30310E1EAC739C4E90

We can see that our request was successfully submitted. Now we can check the status of our chainlet by using the chainlet list or chainlet get <chain-id> command:

$ sagacli chainlet list
ChainId                       Name       StackName     StackVersion     Status     EscrowBalance
-------                       ----       ---------     ------------     ------     -------------
jargames_1679785243507504-1   jargames   SagaOS        0.5.17           Pending     28000000upsaga

As can be seen from the output, the chainlet's version has been upgraded to 1.1 and it is currently being upgraded (status = Pending)

Further Details

For further details and additional options on using the chainlet update command, refer to

sagacli chainlet update --help

Last updated