Configuring Metamask Network

This page includes instructions on how to setup your chainlet network information in your Metamask wallet

As we saw in the previous page, in order to optain the chainlet network RPC connection details, you will have to run the following command:

sagacli chainlet apis <chain id>

API Example (Testnet)

$ sagacli chainlet apis chainlet_1698372536493619-1
Name         Endpoint                                                       Status        
----         --------                                                       ------        
explorer            Available     
ws               Available     
jsonrpc         Available  

API Example (Mainnet)

$ sagacli chainlet apis chainlet_1698372536493619-1
Name         Endpoint                                                       Status        
----         --------                                                       ------        
explorer                    Available     
ws                       Available     
jsonrpc                 Available

We can see in the above CLI output the jsonrpc and explorer endpoints that we will need to be able to configure our chainlet network in Metamask.

Note: make sure the status for all of the endpoints is "Available", otherwise you will risk running into issues with using them in your metamask wallet config.

One-click Metamask Network Setup

The fastest way to configure your chainlet network settings into your metamask browser plugin is by visiting your chainlet's dedicated block explorer page and clicking on the Add <chainlet name> link present on the footer menus.

You can also see how this looks like in the image included below:

Configuring Metamask Network Manually

In order to do so, we will need to navigate to Metamask -> Settings -> Networks -> Add Network

The settings screen will look something like this:

From here, click on "Add a network manually" and type in the following settings in the required fields:

  • Network Name: Pacman Chainlet (or you can chose a different name for this network)

  • New RPC URL: This will be your chainlet's jsonrpc endpoint from the chainlet output above

  • Chain ID: Here you need to input the middle numerical part of the chainid listed in the SagaCLI

    • 1698372536493619
  • Currency Symbol: This is your chainlet currency symbol. (You can get that also by calling the sagacli chainlet get <your chainlet alphanumerical id>

  • sagacli chainlet get chainlet-1698372536493619-1
    ChainId                           Name           StackName     StackVersion     Launcher                                        Mantainers                                        CurrencySymbol     Status            
    -------                           ----           ---------     ------------     --------                                        ----------                                        --------------     ------            
    chainlet-1698372536493619-1       pacman         SagaOS        0.5.17           saga1rdssl22ysxyendrkh2exw9zm7hvj8d2ju346g3     [saga1rdssl22ysxyendrkh2exw9zm7hvj8d2ju346g3]     pac                STATUS_ONLINE     
  • Block Explorer URL


Everything together will look SIMILAR with what you see in the following image below:

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